Your questions, answered


A: CCMS is the name of our company, which stands for Computerized Care Monitoring System. Some of our products carry the CCMS prefix to indicate their connection to our brand. For example, we have CCMS-eMAR, CCMS-Activities, and CCMS-Behavior.

A: You can subscribe to CCMS-eMAR separately; however, CCMS-Activities is always bundled with CCMS-Behavior.

A: Yes, both systems are completely paperless. However, we recommend generating a monthly report to keep for your records. You can easily print this report or save it as a PDF on your computer with just a click of a button in the application.

A: Yes, we are committed to maintaining HIPAA compliance in accordance with the regulations. Security is our top priority, and our data is encrypted using cloud technology. As part of our team effort, CCMS has entered into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with our partners to ensure the protection of patient information. We are dedicated to continually training all our staff to ensure we adhere to the highest security standards. For details, see our HIPAA page.

A: Our CCMS-eMAR application can integrate with any pharmacy that provides services to long-term care facilities. However, you need to inform us which pharmacy you are dealing with if we have not already synced with them.

A: We provide comprehensive system support 24/7 for all our products.

A: Yes, CCMS provides training for both CCMS-eMAR and CCMS-Activities. Our applications are designed to be user-friendly and straightforward; we recommend starting with the provided documentation for initial use. Initially, training is provided for one person per client. We encourage this individual to train others within their facility.

Do you have more questions?

Main St, Suite 205,
Mill Creek, WA 98012

Copyright © CCMS. All rights reserved.